Overnight buses are not cool, not fun, and not clever. We won't be using that particular mode of transport again for any long trips. Nope, not gonna happen.
Longest 10 hours ever and I didn't sleep a bleeding wink. The driver was. hilarious, he was like a bad wedding DJ when he made the announcements for rest stops. He also pulled. One of the female passengers was most enamoured with him, and when she got off she asked for his number... and waited around until we'd all left the bus to ensure he wasn't getting away with not giving it to her.
We pulled into Melbourne at 0635hours, and elected to walk to the hotel as it was only about a mile away. Oh my bloody days, it was chilly, and despite having a cardigan on, it wasn't one of the thick cwtchy varieties, more a thin, just for show cardigan. This is the first time I've been truly cold in months and frankly i dont like it. The trot to the hotel didnt take long, and we were there by 0730. Thankfully we were able to leave our bags at reception, but check in wasn't until 1400hours. Bags dumped, we decided a warm cafe with a nice hot breakfast was just what we needed and around the corner from the hotel we located one. The menu was immense, and usually that's not a great sign. In this case we were proven wrong, and there is nothing better is there?
As we were looking at the menu outside, Si spotted a lady eating a full English breakfast, and not only was it huge, it looked damn good. That decided it for us and in we went.
The cafe was empty when we went in except for the lady with the full English, by the time we'd sat down and decided what we wanted the cafe was packed. They were regulars to the joint I think as they were greeted personally by the staff. As I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat, it took us quite some time, this allowe us to have a nose at what everyone else was having. every single dish that came out was beautifully presented, and large portions.. I finally decided on acia berry bowl, and that too was massive and really tasty. Si breakfast was seriously good, complete silence from him while he ate it. We lingered over the drinks and when it got to the embarrasing stage of being on there too long we left and went to get our bearings.
China Town was massive. Not one single shop opened until 1000hours, and the wind was blowing a gale, our shorts and jumpers did little to keep us warm. By 1100hours, we'd had enough, frozen through, full to the brim of coffee and knackered. We went back to the hotel in the vain hope that our room would be ready early, and if it wasnt we'd sit in reception util it was. Good plan! The hotel was toasty warm, but unfortunately our room wasn't quite ready, the receptionist was fab, ushered us into the dining area and bought us a cup of hot chooclate each. i thik our blue lips played a factor in that decision on herpart. either way we were very grateful. Thankfully within 45 minutes she came to find us and tell us our room was now ready. With the assistance of a weedy looking lad from behind the desk we loaded me up with the bags, piled into the lift and hit the button for the 4th floor. Im gla Si was steering becauseI would have got utterly lost just trying to find the room! Just as we found the right corridor, we realsied a cleaners trolley was blocking our pathway and we couldnt fit through. With a bit of tooing and froing of the trolley and Mildred we were through, around the corner and ito our room at last.
First job? plug in the damn heater, and crank it right up. Second job, locate an extra blanket and throw it on the bed. Third job, get into bed, and go to sleep.
That was me done for the day, and Si slept a good 4 hours before waking and going to the supermarker for food, he was starving and I was still sleeping. so that was our very exciting time in Melbourne, not massively impressed with it as cities go, but then, I'm not a fan of cities anyway.
much love