Si was up and out the door before 0600hrs. Where he finds the energy is something of a mystery to me. I went through the Sturdy one again, disposed of two items of clothing that are too big and replaced them with two pairs of shorts that are not. There should be slightly more room in the bag now hoepfully.
Housekeeping left us a cotton bag full of clean towels on the door handle yesterday, so we thought we would let them in to do the room today. Also, the water and coffee needed replenishing.
Julie picked us up outside the hotel in her new car. I was keeping my eyes skinned for a white one, and she now has a lovely shiny blue one . The governemnt were offering grants to people to get electric cars and she decided to go for it. It's blimin lush.
Lunch was booked for twelve, not far from Carey's work and we got to see a little more of Perth. Excellent result altogether. Over some delicious food we caught up with them all and filled them in on our little trip. When we handed back the key card to the hotel room to Carey before leaving to go off in the camper the room was still booked out to Carey and Ray until the Saturday. The night after we left they stayed in the apartment to try it on for size and were looking forward to finishing off the Jack Daniel's, ice cream, Turkish delight and the Coke. However when they returned to the apartment, all the stuff had gone. The bloody cleaners had swiped the lot of it!! I'm not sure what the worse part about it was for them. The immense disappointment they felt at having no dessert and Jack Daniel's etc, or the fact that the cleaners had nicked it all whilst the room was booked. During the meeting with the hotel manager it obviously came up and he reimbursed them for what was taken.
Also over lunch we found out that google is a liar. Well no, actually Google confirmed that they were liars, I've thought it for quite some time. Down in Bremner Bay there are huge pods of orcas at the moment, but know it all Google told me the whale watching season was over! So we didn't go down to the Bay. Grrrr, to say I am most disgrungtled is an understatement. I will never ever trust google again. Neither should you. Big fat fibbers the lot of them.
Finally, after delaying as long as possible, Carey had to return to work so the time had come to say goodbye to both her and Ray. On the upside, however the Lions are touring next year so we'll be back over for that and will definitely be calling over to the West Coast for a while whilst we're there.
Julie very kindly dropped us back to the hotel where more goodbyes were said before we went back inside and checked over our arrangements for the next leg of the trip. Once Mamma Kay is back from the airpot after dropping Joel off tomorrow we are going out to spend some time with her so that will be the perfect end to our very brief WA trip. I wish we could stay longer, we have seen so little of this beautiful but enormous state.
A very quiet day today, as we've another long one tomorrow travelling.
much love