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03/04/24 Whakatane to Waikite Springs via Rotorua

A great deal of rain fell overnight so it was all a bit damp and chilly this morning. That being the case we decided we’d warm up in the...

02/04/24 Napier to Whakatāne

Despite having great hopes for a glorious sunrise, in our very best spot to witness it to date , we were sorely disappointed! Nothing,...

01/04/24 Ohakune to Napier via Lake Taupo

Our last breakfast with Morg and Liv, and after clearing away in the house and  sorting through the mountain of food we had left over, we...

31/03/24 Ohakune to Tongariro National Park

Yay the sun was shining beautifully bright today and we can see the tip of Mt Ruapehu! So with even more snow on the mountain, breakfast...

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